Thursday, April 19, 2012

Trying my hand at Bartering...

I suppose this was a barter or maybe more of a trading of goods. Whatever you call it it was great fun and worked out well for all parties involved, if I do say so myself.

So, in exchange for a lovely watercolor painted by my friend and neighbour - which I in turn gifted to another friend, as well as a giant load of canvases and other art supplies for my son to experiment with, I traded a knitted poncho - top right pic (ya, not very good) and a little spring sweater with tiny ducky buttons (also not a great pic, but oh well) for her daughter, whom apparently has quite an appreciation for hand knits even at her tender age. What can I say, she's already got good taste, ha!

I dig this trading of goods. I would do this again. I actually hope to do this again. It just plain felt good.